Corporal John Burns
in on the 14'th of Aug 1861 in the 35'th which became the 74'th
, and mustered out on the 16'th of Sept 1864. His obit says he was born
in Ireland.
It also says that he served in Co. F, written I's and F's look a lot alike. His records from the
archives say he served in I.
Burns, John - Born c. 1845 in
Ireland; died 2 March 1906
at the Youngstown City Hospital
in Youngstown, Ohio,
from injuries sustained falling down stairs in his home on 4 July 1906; funeral
was held at St. Columba Church in Youngstown, Ohio; buried in (St. Philomena's Cemetery in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
or Calvary Cemetery
in Youngstown, Ohio?).
Married; five children (Mrs. Thomas Veariel, Frank, John, James, and Mrs. John Phillips).
Mustered in 14 September 1861
for three years as a Private; promoted to Corporal; mustered out 16 September
1864 at Fort Ethan Allen, Virginia.
Moved to Youngstown, Ohio, c.
1876; employed 1876-1896 as a puddler at the Brown, Bonnell & Company iron mill (mill number 4), the
largest employer in Youngstown,
Ohio; employed 1896-1906 at the
City of Youngstown Department of Streets.
Member of the Tod Post #29 of the Grand Army of the Republic, 277 &
279 West Federal Street, Youngstown, Ohio.
Saw action at Gettysburg.
There is a bit of a mystery here with John Burns. Apparently, there are either two John Burns
who served in the 74th, or someone also erected a memorial for Pvt.
John Burns in Pittsburgh’s
St. Phelomena’s Cemetery. Pat
Burns is very familiar with her ancestor’s grave in Calvary Cemetery in Youngstown, Ohio. The obituary above confirms that as being
where he was interned. So, who is the
John Burns in St. Phelomena’s????